Saturday, 5 January 2019

Importance of appearing panchsheel exams.

Importance of appearing panchsheel  exams.
It is the first and most important question.
It is very important to know why we should appear Panchsheel exams .
Because we are more motivated when we know the relevance of particular task in our life.
If we find the task is important and can create great change in our life we are more motivated to complete the task.
Mind map Importance of appearing panchsheel  exams.

*What do these exams do ?

Our sadguru Shri Aniruddha bapu one said "Answer is always hidden in the question itself. We have to just explore it."
And in this case the answer is "Panchasheel exams transform our lives into better peacefull, completely fulfilling, nourishing and happy healthy lives."
The name of Panchsheel practical textbook is 'Sampoorna Jeevan Vikas' (Marathi) ; which means 'a complete multi dimensional fulfilling growth of our life.'
This exam is completely designed created and organised by our beloved Sadhguru Shri Aniruddha Bapu.

Through these exams our Sadguru has made "Adhyatm" , the inner philosophy very simple . These exams simply explain as how the teachings of sadguru Sainath as well as the devotional lives of his devotees still relevant to our life and can transform our life into a graceful life.
In the practicals Sadguru Aniruddha has explained using different science experiments this relevance in simple language.
This makes us understand the Adhyatma and easy to use it in our day to day life.

*The journey itself is a joy.

Once Param Poojya Suchitdada said "When you start explaining and unfolding stories from Sai satcharitra, many factors from your life also start in unfolding . Many complex situations start becoming easy."
And many of us who are already appearing for exams have personally experienced this.

While planning ,organising and writing the answer sheets mind starts working in a blissful manner. It starts working in the most creative manner.
Thinking about Sadhguru, writing about him and explaining the satguru Mahima itself is a great joy itself.
This is a type of gun sankirtan.

*Because Dad likes it !!!
Now we know these exams completely organised by our beloved Sadguru for our complete life growth.

Once Sadguru Aniruddha bapu  while declaring the list of rank and distinction holders of Panchsheel exams once said " Whenever I read this list it makes me very happy. No matter how much long the list is, I really like to read it; even if it takes prolonged time."
This explains the importance of the exam. This explains how much our Dad likes when we appear for the exam. Hence it is one of the very easiest ways to make our Dad happy.

*It is bhakti .
Appearing exams itself improves our devotion towards Sadhguru Sainath and hence towards the ultimate Sadguru Swayambhagwan Trivikram.
Reading and writing stories of different shraddhavans , devotees of Sainath itself starts building our devotion towards Sadguru.
Sadguru Aniruddha bapu said " Sai satcharitra is not only Charitra of sadguru Sainath but also it is Charitra of sadguru Sainath's devotees and their 'acharan' , their devotional behaviour towards Sadguru Sainath ."
While reading these stories Our thinking itself starts getting purified and our devotion starts increasing.

*It is a seva .
Sadguru Shri Aniruddha bapu said " reading Sai Satcharitra is seva. Listening to the stories of Sai Satcharitra and gunsankirtan of Sainath itself is also a seva."
And I believe it is one of the very simplest ways of offering our seva to our beloved Sadguru.

Hence by appearing these exams we get opportunity to improve our bhakti as well as to offer seva to our Sadhguru.

There are many many benefits of reading Sri Sai satcharitra again and again which we will see gradually.
Indexed article we will see what should be our attitude while appearing our exams.


I hope this article motivates shraddhavan friends to appear the exams. For those who are already writing - to continue writing and for those who have not started yet - shall start writing.

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